
Professionals guidance and advice

The human costs of domestic abuse are too high for individuals, families, our community and to public services and they have been for too long.

The prevalence of domestic abuse in Ïã¸ÛÈüÂí»á is too high, and we are working hard to reduce it. Our response as a council is critical.

The Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration launched the Ïã¸ÛÈüÂí»á Domestic Abuse Commission in February 2020. Chaired by Polly Neate CBE, the Commission brought together 12 national experts to look at the experiences of survivors, community attitudes to domestic abuse, the council and partner responses. The Commission undertook significant engagement work with residents and stakeholders across the system and presented its findings in February 2021.

Domestic abuse Commission report (PDF, 4.44MB)

Remember, believe the person who tells you they are a victim of domestic abuse and act on what they say and don't keep it to yourself. The victim and their family needs you to get them help. This may be the first and only chance to make them safe.

The focus of these pages is to provide Professionals tool kits, guidance and referral forms to ensure relevant support is provided to residents experiencing Domestic abuse within Ïã¸ÛÈüÂí»á.

We have produced toolkits to provide information, advice and guidance on domestic abuse to all professionals. These toolkits do not override the processes and procedures of the service you work in but should complement them and help you to both identify domestic abuse and respond to it effectively.  See the link below for the toolkits.

Practitioners guidance key facts (PDF, 633KB)

(PDF, 335MB)

Refuge - The Ïã¸ÛÈüÂí»á Domestic and Sexual Abuse Service

The council commissions an independent domestic and sexual abuse service, run by Refuge, to support all victims of domestic and sexual abuse. They will provide victims with the expert advice and guidance you need to make them safe.

The service provides community-based support for any victim of domestic, sexual or gender-based violence for as long as it’s needed. The service responds to crisis situations, as well as supports people to recover and rebuild their lives.

You can refer victims or call them for advice Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on 0300 456 0174 or email bdadvocacy@refuge.org.uk.

Outside of these hours, you can call Refuge for free on their 24-hour helpline on 0808 2000 247.

If you are working with someone (an adult or young person) who you believe is at risk of or is experiencing domestic abuse, please complete the relevant form below. 

Refuge referral form (DOCX, 193KB) 

External referral form (DOCX, 41KB)

If you believe they are at high risk (determined by completing the Dash ric tool) please complete a MARAC referral form below.

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

The Marac is a regular conference, which focuses on helping victims at high risk of murder or serious harm. A domestic abuse specialist (IGVA) represents the victim/survivor, police, children’s social services, health and other relevant agencies all sit around the same table. They talk about the victim, the family and perpetrator, and share information. The meeting is confidential.

Together the meeting writes an action plan for each victim. They work best when everyone involved understands their roles and the right processes to follow.

To refer, please complete the below referral form.

MARAC referral form

Ïã¸ÛÈüÂí»á MARAC Protocol (PDF, 43.83 MB)

Perpetrator Support

Men and Masculinities is a 24-week programme, delivered by Cranstoun. It provides a safe space for people who have engaged in abusive, harmful and damaging behaviour within their relationships.

If you are working with someone displaying these types of behaviour (and who isn’t going through the criminal justice system and has consented) please complete and submit the referral form below.

Men Masculinities referral form (DOCX, 229KB)

The council has created a dedicated perpetrator temporary accommodation space for where we need to take urgent action to make a family safe - ensuring we respond in a trauma informed way. The accommodation is temporary only and dependent on engagement with a Cranstoun intervention

If you would like to know more please e-mail admindva@cranstoun.org.uk

Support for Children and Young People


RESET is a programme for 11-18 year olds displaying concerning behaviours. The programme has three elements to it:

  • Impulse Control: focusing on externalising behaviours, in particular disruptive, hyperactive and aggressive behaviours
  • Resilience: focusing on internalising behaviours, providing trauma-informed support to CYP who have experienced DA.
  • Level Up: focusing on CYP’s violence and abuse towards parents/carers and intimate relationships

Young people can attend as many of the elements as they need. To make a referral please complete and submit the â€˜Level Up Reset’ Professionals Referral Form (DOCX, 48.75 KB)

The Phoenix Service

The Phoenix service is provided by Barnardo's. Phoenix aims:

  • To give children and young people in families that have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse  a voice
  • To promote an understanding of the impacts of trauma, domestic abuse and conflict on children and young people
  • To create the opportunity to build resilience and empower children and young people, to encourage positive mental health and wellbeing and healthy coping mechanisms
  • To focus on educating children and young people on types of domestic abuse, healthy and unhealthy relationships, and safety planning

Interventions offered include:

  • A trauma informed 8-week intervention delivered in school and/or community settings, with both 1-on-1 sessions and group sessions (groups determined by age and needs of children referred).
  • Support will be adapted to ages and needs of C/YP and will use techniques from various therapies, including but not limited to, talking therapy, self-determination theory, cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness, play therapy, solution-based counselling, restorative practise, and art therapy.
  • Sessions occur weekly, either face-to-face or via digital offer through video or telephone calls.

Intervention is child-led, and strength based, using goal attainment scaling and outcome stars as assessment tools so that children and young people can set their own goals and review progress.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Any child or young person aged 5-17 who has been impacted by domestic abuse, either as a victim/ survivor or a witness.
  • C/YP must be for a resident of the London Borough of Ïã¸ÛÈüÂí»á or attending a school in the borough.

To make a referral please complete and submit the Project Phoenix Referral Form (DOCX, 561.56 KB)

Teacher's Toolkit

A toolkit specific for teachers / those who work with young people

Domestic Abuse Forum

The Domestic Abuse Forum made up of stakeholders across all areas within Ïã¸ÛÈüÂí»á including voluntary organisations, solicitors, and health sectors. The forum aims to:

  • share best practice relating to domestic abuse
  • consider any improvements to services
  • provide a networking opportunity to those working to or with interest in stopping domestic abuse

If you wish to become a member of the Forum or to find out when the next meeting, please email Maracreferrals@lbbd.gov.uk