Rent is charged on a Monday each week. The number of Mondays changes when there is a leap year, so in 2024 there are 53 Mondays. This will change the monthly amount you need to pay in 2024.
However you pay your rent, all payments must be made in advance. If your payment does not arrive until the following week, you will breach your tenancy obligation to pay rent.
Direct Debit
This is our preferred method of payment as it saves you and the council time and money when making a payment. It is the only method of payment that comes with a guarantee.
To set up a Direct Debit you can complete our online Direct Debit form
Online Direct Debit Mandate Form
Alternatively, you can download the Direct Debit mandate form below, complete it and return it to us. You can also contact us to set this up.
Direct Debit mandate (DOCX, 82.00 KB)
Once the Direct Debit has been set up, no further action is needed. Payments are automatically debited from your bank account on an agreed date, either weekly or monthly.
Monthly payment dates are the 1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd day of the month. If the amount of the instalment changes, you will be notified of the change in advance.
We must give your bank two weeks notice of when a Direct Debit is about to start. You will receive a notification letter advising of the first instalment date and the amount that will be debited. You must continue to pay the correct rent manually until the first payment is taken.
Direct debits cannot be made from certain accounts, such as savings and Post Office accounts. Check with your bank if you are unsure.
Other Payment Methods
Pay Online
Standing order
A bank standing order is a transaction you control and you can choose your own payment date to suit your income. You instruct your bank to pay a set amount at regular intervals to another account. It can run for a set number of payments, a set period of time, or until cancelled.
If you wish to pay your rent this way, you need to instruct your bank to pay the London Borough of 香港赛马会. You will need our bank details, a transaction reference (your 14-digit rent reference number), and the amount and frequency of payments.
Our bank details are:
Lloyds TSB
Account Number:
Sort Code:
30 00 02
You must use your 14 digit rent reference number as the transaction reference, so that we receive the funds, we know where to allocate them.
If you are unsure of how much you should be paying on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis, contact us.
If you have any queries regarding this or any issue regarding your rent account, contact us.
020 8227 2050
You can make an automated payment 24 hours per day, 365 days a year.
Ensure you have your rent account number and your debit or credit card ready.
Payment card
Payment cards are no longer provided to tenants but, if you already have one, you can still use it. The barcode on any rent-related letter can be used to make a payment.
Payments can be made using a barcoded letter or payment card with a debit card, credit card or cash at any shop which displays the logo, ePay logo or logo. You can also pay in any post office.
Payments made at Paypoint and post offices can take up to four days to be credited.